Hey survivors!

Be sure to grab your tribe and flock over to ARK for the third Turkey Trial event!  From Tuesday, November 19th through Tuesday, December 3rd you’ll be able to harvest wishbones to gain new cosmetic items, event-themed undergarments, and all new emotes!  Be prepared to hunt or be hunted by the relentless “Super-Turkeys”!

You will be able to get previous event items (such as the pilgrim hat) as well as new items!

New Event Items:

- Pilgrim Hat
- Bonnet Hat
- Turkey Hat
- Turkey Leg club skin
- Pitchfork Pike Skin
- Thanksgiving-inspired Dino Colorization Candy 
- 3 sets of Event-themed underwear (tops and bottoms) 

New Event Emotes:

- Belly Rub Emote
- Hungry Emote
- Food Coma Emote

Wild Creature Event Colours:

- Light Orange
- Light Red
- Dark Red
- Dino Light Red
- Dino Light Orange
- Dino Dark Red
- Yellow
- Dino Albino
- DragonFire
- DragonBase1
- DragonBase0
- Light Yellow
- Brown
- Dino Albino
- NearBlack
- Light Brown
- Dino Darker Grey

Post from Wildcard HERE.

Happy Adventuring!

<3 Valkyrie