Hey survivors!

Although it hasn’t been much of an issue in the past as I was generally able to hop on and help straight away, unfortuantely Eps and I have found ourselves a lot busier these days and actually leave the house (ikr?!)

Due to this, we have decided to add this tiny mod known as Suicide Implant which has been updated recently to be a permanent implant rather than a consumable you have to craft (you regulars know what I’m like when it comes to mods xD). You automatically spawn with an implant, then when used, kills you immediately. When I tested it on our development server, I did notice it took a few seconds to appear when I respawned.

This means you can just kill yourself if you find yourself stuck in a base or glitched into a wall, yay!

The link to their steam page is located HERE.

Happy adventuring!
<3 Valkyrie