Hey guys!

Winter Wonderland is now LIVE on all maps! This event will be live until January 7th 2019.

Raptor Claus will be sailing across the night sky in his sleigh, air-dropping presents filled with high-end loot as well as Mistletoe and Coal for those naughty Survivors.

Raptor Claus won’t be alone this year. He is joined by Gacha Claus who will be roaming all maps in a dashing Santa Hat and sporting holiday-themed colours to help out the very busy Raptor Claus. He will be accepting your coal and in exchange will gift you holiday themed items, or you can trade in your mistletoe for weapons and armor! Gacha Claus will also have a random chance to gift you with a new special dino holiday candy when given mistletoe. This candy appears to have a strangely festive effect on any creature that eats it however. Better give it a try and see what happens. Bon appetit!

You can see the full post from Wildcard HERE.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, survivors! Happy adventuring!

<3 Valkyrie and Eps