Hey survivors!

Sorry for the lack of news posts – there hasn’t been too many newsworthy things happening plus this is the busiest time of the year for us. Lots of stuff going on!

As you may have already seen, all horses, unicorns and veggie cakes have disappeared (and they are also back to stacking in lots of 5). Unfortunately, apparently due to something Wildcard fucked up, the developer of the HG Stacking Mod had to remap the horses etc meaning they are all gone. Nothing that can be helped unfortunately! That’s just ARK for you.

Another VERY important note – If we find any dinos that were tamed above wild level 180 (or 216 for Tek), they WILL be deleted without warning. This is considered an exploit and will be dealt with accordingly. Don’t bother trying to hide them, we have a list of tamed dinos plus I can look through your storage if I need to (this applies to all maps). Bans will be handed out to repeat offenders. People caught the first time will be put on the naughty list 😉

On a happier note! We hope everyone has an awesome Christmas and a Happy New Year! Bring on 2019 :3

Happy Adventuring!

<3 Valk and Eps