Hello survivors!

Just an update for you all in regards to our ARK and PixARK servers.
Due to the global decline in players on PixARK (and our servers) we have decided to shut them down for now. Some of our PixARK players have now moved over to ARK. Once more content is added and there seems to be more interest again we will look at starting them back up.

I have just launched a Ragnarok PvP server! The Center map isn’t all that popular (which is why we never bothered with a PvE one) so we’ll probably shut that down once everyone moves across to Ragnarok. We had a vote with the PvP players and everyone is happier to change to Ragnarok as the Center is too restrictive. We will look at adding an Aberration PvP in the future if the PvP community continues to build up.

A few other things:

– Offline Raid Protection has recently been added to both our PvE and PvP servers (becomes active 5 minutes after the last tribe member logs out)
– We have added the infinite grappling hook to the PvP servers, happy to add this to PvE if that’ what people want. Let Valkyrie know in Discord!
– The Center Arena was not dropping the correct amount of element, this has now been fixed
– Cave flying has been added to the PvP servers

We also made a Facebook group in case anybody was interested! Link HERE.
Another useful link for you guys: Linktr.ee (a link to all links!)

Don’t forget to message us on Discord if you have any issues! You can tag either @Admin, @Valkyrie or @Eps to get our attention 😉

Happy Adventuring!
<3 Valkyrie